Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life of an unemployed professional!

10.2 %. (http://www.bls.gov/cps/) What an incredible number, its the unemployment number in the U.S. and for the first time in my life I find myself included in a negative statistic. If you have any idea of what 10.2% means, then you know its not good. The sad thing is that this number does not discriminate against anyone. Everyone is or can be a victim, professionals, non-professionals, white-collar, blue-coller, men, women........ No One Is Safe!!!

It's frustrating to put it mildly, so what is the life of an unemployed professional like? I spend time looking for work. I look everywhere, in every state and out of the country. I look inside my field, outside my field and to add some humor, I look under my field. :) I spend time reading, watching TV, working on personal projects, having ADD moments, playing with my cat, going to the Temple, educating myself on many....MANY things, watching chic flicks with my wife, watching chic shows with my wife, watching shows that any man would be embarrased to admit to with my wife. But still I see this an an opportunity.

What opportunities are granted to an unemployed professional? I have many, MANY opportunities to learn and grow, but the thing that I have learned more than any other thing is that Faith is not as simple as we think it is. Whether your religious nor not, finding, developing and then nourishing your faith is important. I have found that much of faith is being able to sit back and say that your ok without knowing the end result. Faith is also not knowing why but knowing that it must be. Faith is also knowing that even though you should be able to, you can't because there is potentially something bigger on the other end.

So the life of an unemployed professional is full of many things, but the one thing that for me it is full of, is opportunities to grow my faith.


Angela said...

Good luck! I found myself thinking faith and fate really go hand in hand...we have no control over our destiny and have to be positive and trust that the right opportunities will come our way and will we have the strength to make the right choices as well. I wish you all the best!

POIOMof2 said...
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Anonymous said...

I wish you the best Evan!! Hugs to you and your family.